Saturday, January 2, 2010

Spearman Family Soda Bread

Today I made my first ever batch of Soda Bread.

Lily (my mother in law) taught us last year how to make it the way her Mama made it. She did a demonstration (we told her to pretend she had her own cooking show), and we filmed the whole thing. It was really fun watching it back today. Lola was so young!! (she was 4 months old at the time) - she was sitting in her bumbo chair on the benchtop and she kept kicking (or 'kneading' according to Simon) the dough. This time when I made it she was standing at my feet and grabbing my legs so I'd pick her up and give her a cuddle (or a look at what was going on?).

Lily's instructions on the video were near perfect - if not a "little Irish".. (particularly the part when Simon asked her how hot the fry pan should be - and she said "it needs to be at the temperature where it's just at the right heat'... which made me laugh today)

Anyway, I think it turned out really well. We enjoyed it anyway! And my husband thinks I'm eligible for Wife of the year, so I'm happy.

Mid way through the cooking:
The end result... Served best hot with butter and cheese!


  1. mmmm, that looks really good! do you think lily would approve a tutorial, or is it a family secret? x
