Are there 30 or 31 days in January (30 days has september... april, june and november).. phew - 31.. Which means I still have 5 days to go to make something for 'myself' as part of the 2010 12 months - 12 sewing challenges goal that I've signed up for.. (from the blog My Favourite)
Admittedly I am only new to the 'sewing thing', but I must confess - I am yet to make something for myself.. And tonight, I'm asking myself why? (perhaps this is another procrastination technique, but let's go with it and see what happens?)..
I think it might be that I'd feel guilty spending time making something for myself? I already feel a bit like time spent at the sewing machine, is time away from my family, and my household chores.. So I guess when I'm making something for Lola, or fixing something for Simon, then I don't feel guilty. I feel generous. I feel like what I'm doing will make them happy. I feel like I can justify the dishes in the kitchen sink, or the unswept floors - because I'm showing them I love them in a different way.
But I'd hate it to sound like I don't get time for myself either.. And of course the time I spend every day in my role as "Mama" and "Wife of the House" is exactly totally where I want to be.. But when I find time to do something for myself - I spend it torn in all directions. Say for example Lola is happy playing, these are all the things that run through my head..
- maybe I'll make a cuppa and read another chapter of Diana Gabaldon's latest book before it's due back at the library in less than 1 week OR
- should I have a flick through one of the magazines that I have a subscription to but never get to read, OR
- should I take a shower OR
- should I jump on the Wii fit board OR
- should I do some housework? OR
should I just sit down with Lola and watch her play with her toy...
Ultimately, the time goes and I haven't done anything, and I dont know where it went?
I wonder where the crafty people who's blogs I follow find the time to make such awesome things? I'm sure they have more than 1 child to look after? and I'm sure they work like I do as well..
But if anyone has any tips on how to make the most of those snippets of time that we Mums find in a day - I'd love to hear them. Oh, and I still don't know what to make for myself for the challenge.. But sometime in the next 5 days - I will sit myself down and create something for me.
I hear you Jules! Why don't we have a coffee and look through some pattern books while I'm trying not to think of my baby at big school tomorrow!!