Sunday, June 5, 2011

Could I be a knitter?

Or am I better off trying to get good at one thing (such as sewing), before I start trying to knit? I am surrounded by very talented knitters (my best crafty bud, my nana and my mother in law are all fantastic knitters) and I do love the feel of wool in my hands. Is that enough? 

I recently visited Tangled Yarns knitting store in Newstead, and saw so many beautiful creations and the softest wools (all creations can be found on their Ravelry page).  I really was inspired. My mother in law and I jumped on Ravelry when we got home and made a purchase.  Lily is going to knit this gorgeous creation for Lola.

The designer is Georgie Hallam and the image is copied from Tangled Yarns ravelry page

And now I can't stop finding (and buying) more gorgeous patterns from Ravelry.

I LOVE this blanket made by Kelly Kingston (which is on display in the Tangled Yarns store)

image copied from here

And tonight I have found my favourite shawl ever, and of course had to buy the pattern :) It's by Carina Spencer and it's called Whippoorwill

image copied from here

It looks like one of those beautiful items of clothing that can be worn a myriad of ways.  I'm not sure yet whether I will attempt it myself, or if I could give my wonderful mother in law 'one more' project? (I will blog soon about the beautiful barbie clothes she has been making for me).  It says it's a project for an 'advanced beginner' - which makes no sense to me.. wouldn't you be one or the other? but not both? I can do a knit stitch and purl stitch, and that's it. I'll take a look at the pattern though, consult the experts, and hopefully be in possession of this beautiful shawl/wrap someday soon. maybe it will be my first creation :)

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