Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spend 5 minutes with me..

I got an email from HR at work asking if I'd participate in an activity to increase 'hits' on our intranet. They were asking a few people to share some information about themselves to get to know a bit more about your colleagues..  Naturally, I was interested in talking about myself.

These were the rules (cut and paste from the email):


There are no rules (so very 'fight club-ish)…
Answer briefly, although we would prefer you to elaborate a tad more than Yes or No, or you can tell us a story that reflects how you feel on the question
Although we’d like you to answer all questions, they are optional
You could even add your own questions, which we happy to include for future Interviewees
And don’t forget to send us a photo of you, as you! One that you’re happy to share this with your colleagues

So here are the questions, and here are my answers (along with the photo I submitted to go with my spiel..)

Spend 5 minutes with …. Julie
What was your first job?
I worked at Bookworld (now Angus & Robertson).

As a kid, what job did you want to do when you grew up?
I wanted to be a stay at home Mum (hope my boss reads this one! great career move Jules!)

Which 5 people in the world would you invite to dinner?
Husband, Daughter, Simon Baker, Amanda Blake-Soule*, Joni Mitchell  (*Hsuey - I had to add Soulemama in and I promise to ask her if she has a housekeeper/live in maid or large trust fund)

What would you cook or serve them for dinner, ie what’s your fav foods?
Anything Mexican.

How do you rate your driving skills?
I’m a good driver, but a bit impatient.

What’s the best lesson your mum taught you?
Wash up while you’re cooking (sorry Mum - it was all I could think of at the time?!).

What qualities do you wish you had?
Patience, Arty/Creativity-ness

If you have children, tell us their names and a funny moment you’ve shared together?
Lola – and a funny moment would be every time I see her eat natural yoghurt (it’s not a taste she likes).

How do you achieve work-life balance?
Work from home (again, career limiting? or just honest?)

Is there a lesson you’ve never forgotten?
Just to be aware of what you say to people about other people..

Do you have a favourite quote or saying, or one that you’re known for?
I like the saying Always practice more kindness than necessary.

Do you have any hobbies now… or are you planning to soon?
Reading, sewing, travel, music (country), vege gardening, and something resembling ‘physical activity’ would be on my planning to start hobby list

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Who was it from?
Know when to walk away, know when to run... Kenny Rogers.

What’s your favourite colour and is that colour in your choices of life (car, clothes, furniture, hair)?
Black or green

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