Since I last posted, here's a catch up on what we've been up to:
In May, Simon and I spent a weekend aboard a cruise boat from Sydney to Brisbane. We went with some great people and really enjoyed some time to ourselves.

In June we added to our kitchen, and bought ourselves an Excalibur 9 tray dehydrator. Simon saw it as an opportunity to make jerky. I liked the idea of making healthy snacks for the kid in it (pictured is my first and last attempt at rollups.. I must try them again)
Andrew had his very first taste of Great Nana's cheesecake in September
and that same month, we staged a mini photo shoot for Lola's birthday invitations (it's worth noting here, that her pony love has now moved onto a Littlest Pet Shop love).
The kids started back at swimming lessons (Lola's swimming really improved a lot, and Andrew just enjoyed having a splash and a squeal).
My gorgeous girl got her haircut off (I believe the motivation behind wanting it cut, was a 'Small Potatoes' song called 'Haircut' which she sang all the way home)
And then she turned 4.. just like that...
In November, we had our annual 'get together and make christmas treats' with four generations of women from my family (plus my wonderful mother in law)
I took this picture of my gorgeous kids in November too.. (God they make me laugh)..
I finished piecing together the top of Andrews quilt one rainy weekend (and made Simon snip the threads and trim the edge to straighten it up)
In December we had another great day at Stowe's family christmas party (this pic is of the kids in the baby animal farm). Andrew was quack quacking and cheep cheeping all over the shop)
and then my baby turned 2. We had a combined party for him and his mate Ethan, and we also went to Seaworld for the day with his cousins (where he blew out the candles on a brownie-stack-cake).
Christmas was lovely. We had two Christmas's this year. The Caloundra christmas was a beautiful day spent eating and slip and sliding into the evening. Then on Christmas day, we spent the morning at home, and then had lunch on the Gold Coast with family.
Much of December and January were spent swimming (mostly at the Robertson's beautiful home).
Both my boys got matching haircuts in January
And last but not least, we spent a rare Saturday together last weekend at the park.
We've a lot to be grateful for with the time we've spent together over the past 10 months. The kids are growing up quickly, and they make us laugh (and want to cry) most days. They're pretty normal 2 and 4 year olds though I reckon. And Si and I have had plenty of time to ourselves over the past year as well, thanks to our families and neighbours who are always there when we need them. So 2013 is looking like it's going to be a good year. I'm all about the food this year. I'm going to do my best to improve our diets, and try to wean my kids (and husband) off sugar. It'll be an interesting journey, and quite possibly the topic of more blog posts to come.